Use JSON format for project config file

Existing solutions of configuration management

There are so many libs for config parsing that hard to choose the one, for example Awesome Go, configration section1 has 50+ libs!

When i wanted to add config to one small pet project, I faced to problem that many of those libs were abandoned or look like silver bullet sulution: it have a lot of extra features, that actually no need to me.

I think I found a good way to create simple lightweight config system for small projects, basically for pet projects. If you are interested, keep reading!

.env, INI, YAML, TOML, HCL, language specific format… what’s more?

All of these popular formats look like a good solution, but all they are require adding one more project dependency - library for parsing that type of config. Often such library is very big and not fast - it has lexers, parsers, tokenizers, some of them are not even stable. I’d not like to add one more lib only for such utilitary things like config parsing: it is need to spent a time for read its documentation, sometimes spent extra for find out workaroud of bugs, continiusly follow the new releases and update it version in project… uh…

Thinking a lot… considering all type of configs, I’ve come up with an answer for a question in topic: JSON. Yeah, simple, old fasioned json.

It is most widespread format in the web, but not only for web, some language package managers create lock file of project dependencies in json format, i think every programming language has json lib for encoding/decoding native data sturctures to/from json, so the config file in json format, in this context, would be even cross platformed!

For example you even may to create a little web service for creation of custom config of your softaware, to help users make customization of settings is less painful especially if your software has a lot of settings.

Json is also has most spread support ever in different kind of IDE/editors, with validation and autoformatting, that helps to reduce the main one of drawbacks of format: it is not human friendly compared to others.

Let’s try to create simple configuration management system based on json.


Fortunately Golang has a good way to decode/encode json to/from native data types.

Let’s suppose our project is web app, it has a group of base parameters like timeouts, db connections etc. They do not change very often, let’s named them static parameters. And there are some parameters that may change very often: add new ones, remove olds or change their names. Let’s call them dynamic parameters of project configuration.

Obviously for static parameters we can use struct which reflects the names of parameters in config e.g.:

type ServerSettings struct {
    Listen     string `json:"Listen"` // format host:port
    MaxWorkers int    `json:"MaxWorkers"`

type DatabaseSettings struct {
    Timeout         int    `json:"Timeout"` // in seconds
    MaxConnections  int    `json:"MaxConnections"`
    Uri             string `json:"dbUri"`    // contains db uri with credentials for connect

type Config struct {
    DatabaseSettings `json:"Database"`
    ServerSettings   `json:"Server"`

in the terms of json our config would like this:

  "Server": {
    "Listen": "",
    "MaxWorkers": 100
  "Database": {
    "Timeout": 300,
    "MaxConnections": 100,
    "dbUri": "mongodb+srv://[username:password@]host[/[defaultauthdb][?options]]"

it looks very nice: sensible name of params, sections, it would be easy support and expand, even though JSON is not a human friendly format, everyone can understand setting meaning at first look.

But what about dynamic parameters? Well.. we can use maps for them: map[string]any - map name of option to any value, then add more logic about converting the value from JSON to appropriate golang type, but in fact, such kind of options usually have identical types of values, I mean if you need something add / remove very often then usually this is same type of data.

Let’s suppose our project is a TUI app (terminal user interface) or desktop app (GUI app) which has color themes with very dynamic values, we can say these are typical dynamic parameters: they may change very often, some colors removed, some added, override the default values for some, in terms of config it would be look like this:

type Theme struct {
	Colors map[string]lipgloss.Color `json:"Colors"`
	Emojis map[string]string         `json:"Emojis"`

type Config struct {
    Theme   `json:"Theme"`

then we can add little bit logic for getting the colors from our config:

func (c *Config) Color(s string) lipgloss.Color {
	color, ok := c.Colors[s]
	if !ok {
		fallbackColor := lipgloss.Color("11")
		return fallbackColor
	return color

in term of json such config may looks like:

  "Theme": {
    "Colors": {
      "checkboxOn": "42",
      "checkboxOff": "8",
      "fileinputPrompt": "177",
      "fileinputPlaceholder": "243",
      "fileinputText": "219",
      "statusbarFg": "#C1C6B2",
      "statusbarBg": "#353533",
      "statusbarTextWarning": "220",
      "statusbarTextError": "225",
      "statusbarIndicator": "#6124DF",
      "statusbarNugget": "#FFFDF5",
      "statusbarBadgeBg": "#59A8C9",
      "statusbarBadgeFg": "#FFFDF5",
      "statusbarBadgeError": "#FF5F87",
      "statusbarBadgeOk": "#2e8048",
      "statusbarBadgeWarning": "130",
      "statusbarReqCount": "#A550DF"

(the demonstrated config is the part of rHttp2 configuration)

Again it looks pretty nice, it is easily expandable, maintainable.

Ok, the next thing, that needs to be implemented, that every normal configuration system has, is the overriding configuration.

Configuration override system

First of all let’s implement default configuration. There are many ways to do this, but I found the next approach is more simple and better maintainable than others: embed default config.json and ship the app with it. This approach is not require write extra code to setting default settings values, for instance check the values of settings after read the user config and if some is missed used the default value. Instead of all of this we just read default config file and apply the settings performing the same actions like for user config file.

//go:embed config.json
var defaultConfig []byte

func defaultSettings(c *Config) error {
	return json.Unmarshal(defaultConfig, c)

func overrideSettings(path, c *Config) error {
	b, err := os.ReadFile(path)
	if err != nil {
		return err

    if err = json.Unmarshal(b, c); err != nil {
		return err

	return nil

func ReadConfig(configPath string) (*Config, error) {
	c := &Config{}

	if err := defaultSettings(c); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if err := overrideSettings(configPath, c); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return c, nil

Firstly ReadConfig loads default settings values to instance of Config, then overrides the default settings by the user defined. That looks pretty organic: created instance of config is mutated by the overridings. We even might add more than one source of config to create complex system of lookup pathes e.g.:

  • firstly load the default settings which is ship together with app (config.json is embedded into binary file) (lowest precedence), then
  • lookup the config in current work dir ./app-config.json, then
  • lookup the config in user home ~/.config/app/app-config.json, then
  • load config from path given from cmd arg app -c /opt/etc/app/app-config.json (highest precendence)

We can continue to add more and more sources if we needed, for example we might add support of .env or loading the config from web, whatever we want. Cool.


The configuration management system we have created is flexible and reliable, expandable and maintainable. That is what i wanted from configuration management system! Hope you had fun and learned something useful for yourself! Any feedback is welcome!

  1. see libs on Awesome Go / Configuration section or the same on the GitHub ↩︎

  2. rHttp - REPL for http request in terminal, lightweight, simple and fast, without black magic, see demo on GitHub ↩︎